The term native plant refers to a plant that grows naturally in a specified area. For example in Southern Ontario some native plant species include: Sugar Maple, White Ash, White Cedar, Grey Dogwood, Elderberry, Solomon’s seal, Golden Rod, Wild Ginger, Trillium and Virginia creeper. All of these plants are suited to grow in our climate. Some native plants which Tree Amigos Landscaping commonly uses are: Serviceberry, Redbud, Red Osier Dogwood, White Pine, Witch Hazel, and Yews. The Serviceberry and Redbud are multi-stemmed shrubs or small trees that have spring interest with their abundant tiny flowers. The Witch Hazel is a shrub that is used for its interesting yellow flowers in early spring. The Red Osier Dogwood is used for its striking red stems that brighten up a landscape even in the winter months. White Pine trees are Ontario’s provincial tree and grow quite tall; they have long and soft needles that act as privacy or wind screens. The Yews are planted primarily for their dark, evergreen needles that are great for foundation plantings.
The Niagara Region is an interesting area for native plants. As we follow the Escarpment south into the Niagara Peninsula the forest begins to change. The Boreal forests (of the Northern regions) soon give way to the Carolinian Zone, which is a unique region with more species of plants and wildlife than any other life region in Canada. Unique species include Sassafras, Tulip Trees, Hickory, Black Walnut and American chestnut. This very special corner of the Escarpment is part of an area that grows plants not found anywhere else in Canada. The Carolinian forests of the Escarpment are also home many bird species, many of which are vulnerable or threatened. (
For more information on landscaping with native plants, visit
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Figure 1 - Golden Rod | Figure 2 - White Trillium |
For more interesting facts on native plants, please contact
Drew Hutchison, Owner / Estimator
Tree Amigos Landscaping Inc.